Brand BSNL is Gearing Up, to Drive Digital India, with M-Governance Model

Before going into the topic, I just want to recall points regarding e-Governance. Some of us doesn’t have clear understanding of what is e-Governance and what is difference between e-Governance and e-Government. And what is e-Governance is going to do with us, benefit of e-Governance, and also what is m-Governance… at last what are all these going to do with Digital India initiative by our digital & dynamic PM saab Shri Modiji.. Here what is the scope of BSNL in digital India? Benefit of BSNL participation to us in catalysing the implementation of Digital India Project.

Ok, coming to the point, what is e-Governance? e-Governance is nothing but an application based on ICT (Information Communication Technology), which is bridging the gap of communication between you and the government.

Here government means the bodies which in general we will have to interact, like municipal bodies, revenue department, Motor Vehicle Department, Health department, agriculture department and any other department where you have a work or you want to know the status of a file or you want to know the climate details for your agriculture.

It can be any requirement relating to any government office, information is there with you on fly if we go towards e-Governance. E-Government id more or less computerisation of government offices. Whereas governance is wider than e-Government as it makes information available across government, its citizens and also relevant business nodes.

In this context what BSNL is going to do??? BSNL is trying to participate in much awaited project “Digital India” with involvement in Mobile Governance. As BSNL is the only company which is having wide span of network in both urban and rural areas, is expected to drive the project seamlessly.

Benefits of M-Governance 

  • If you want to know the registration details of your new vehicle, view and payment of bills like electricity/water/house/utility etc.,
  • If you want to know the status of nativity/community or any certificate from Revenue offices then immediately you can have the status in your mobile.
  • You can get location based jobs availability against us employment status when you have registered to it, directly to your mobile as per your eligibility.
  • Integration of various departments may be there and you may apply all requirements of your own house like plan approval, electricity connection, water connection as a workflow with information to you.
  • You can education lessons directly to you mobile, so that addressing literacy may also happen, in particular to remote locations.
  • Citizens can participate in New IDEAS schemes and also participate in voting pattern to appreciate any activity or even can participate in new project plans.
  • Kissan call centres with relevant agriculture land details and soil test reports can suggest you or even show videos to the refinement of existing agriculture process and also can give live climate reports. All this may be in your native language also.
For all this to happen M-Governance may use the services like SMS for alerts. USSD service against user interest as requested by him. WiFi / WiMAX / WLAN Service for streaming of multimedia based information, and BSNL 3G Services with latest plans for transmitting the data to remote location where even Wimax also can’t reach, this is why mobile is that much powerful to broadcast information on fly. Information regarding immediate evacuation when there is calamity, like that just think what you can do with   m-governance.

With all these requirements to implement Digital India, which makes government services at your fingertips. BSNL as of now dealing with infrastructure projects of m-Governance. BSNL with all its competent and trained people wants to deliver m-Governance projects with in time line of government expectations. As telecom gaint, having the widest Mobile Network coverage with various cheapest BSNL Mobile Plans which can be really beneficial for even remote villagers who will avail the benefits of m-Governance.