The state-owned telecom operator is revising its Rs 699 broadband with updated data benefit. The plan, which is exclusive to its Chennai circle, will now offer a massive data benefit of 700GB, which is an increase of five times compared to the previous FUP limit. It is not only increasing the data benefit with this plan but also the speed. With its Rs 699 broadband plan, BSNL customers in Chennai will be able to experience 20Mbps data speeds, which is 2x increase from 10Mbps speed offered previously. In other circles, the telco is offering broadband plans priced at Rs 695 and Rs 799.
BSNL RS 699 broadband plan benefits
After the revision, BSNL broadband customers in Chennai will get the plan with a FUP of 700GB at a speed of 20Mbps. After the completion of FUP limit, BSNL users will be able to browse the internet at reduced speed of 2Mbps, which will be decent enough to stream YouTube videos and interact on social media. The same plan previously offered broadband speed of 10Mbps and the revised speed still sounds slow when compared to competitors like ACT Fibernet.Also Read
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After Reliance Jio commenced registration for JioGigaFiber on August 15, all major broadband players increased data speeds and FUP limit on their existing plans. Major players like Bharti Airtel, ACT Fibernet and YOU Broadband announced discounts up to 20 percent on their annual rental plans. Jio is expected to commence operations with three months free preview offer where customers will get 100GB data every month at a speed of 100Mbps. After three months, it will introduce data top-up scheme and will be available based on popularity of a user location.
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