BSNL AP Circle Increased Mobile Plan Validity upto 1 Year on TopUp Recharge

In general we all are happy to go with Top-Ups rather than Plan Recharges as the Talktime value is more, and to do with Top-Up, we should have a connection with a validity along with Talktime and Free 3G Data (which was recently introduced). This is the reason we go with life time validity connections, Going to Life Time Validity also as per TRAI rules, you can carry forward or you can have validity if your connection is active.

As per TRAI, you have to use your mobile phone and also as a mandate, you have to Top-Up your phone. Considering the same we do have a BSNL Mobile Plan Top-Ups with validity. But what ever you go for recharge amount your will get a maximum validity period of 180 days, for a value of Rs.200 and above, but now the same was re-adjusted according with corporate instructions, which is applicable for all AP & Telangana state BSNL Mobile Customers.

Now, if you go for a Top-Up recharge of Rs.600, in earlier we may be getting only 180 days of validity, but now BSNL AP Circle has now launched the same plan with slight tweaks with which we are also getting 1 Year of  Plan Validity instead of 180days, if you are going for BSNL Mobile Top-Up Recharge for a value of Rs.500 and above.

This new Top-Up recharge validity will work like this for only Life Time Validity Customers like Nestham Plan which is most successful and attracted from all categories. If you go for Top-Recharge of Rs.200 to Rs.499 you will get validity of Rs.180 days, and If you go for Top-Recharge of Rs.500 and above you will get validity of Rs.365 days, where this new attractive regular offer will be applicable for all AP & Telangana State BSNL Mobile Customers with effect from 6th December 2014.