BSNL unlimited free night calling offer from all BSNL landline phones

BSNL landlines began buzzing again after the introduction of unlimited free night calling offer from all BSNL landline phones to all service provider networks across the country.The offer came into effect on 1st May 2015 and got tremendous response from the public.
To grab this opportunity and to increase it's market share, BSNL Kerala Circle has already started a Mega Landline New Connection / Reconnection campaign by waiving off installation charges for New Landline Connections registered during the month of May 2015. New Broadband / Landline Customers can avail a discount up to Rs 1000 during this period.

Those who wish to take new Broadband or Landline connection may just send an SMS in the format 'LL' for Landline, 'BB' for Broadband & 'LL+BB' for Landline plus Broadband to the number 9400054141 from any mobile. ( Example: To register for new landline and broadband, send LL+BB to 9400054141. To register for new landline only, send LL to9400054141 )

Customers may also register for BSNL Services Online. See it's details below:

  • Now BSNL Broadband at your Door Step: Online / SMS Booking for BSNL Services
It is really a good and attractive news for BSNL Landline customers as they are now able to speak free of cost to any landline or mobile number between 9pm and 7am. State run telecom operator BSNL introduced this free calling scheme after Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ( TRAI) slashed termination chargesfrom landlines. 

Regarding the New Connection campaign, BSNL Kerala Telecom Circle has received more than 30,000 SMS during this month. This itself shows the interest of people in BSNL services. BSNL Kerala Circle has taken special efforts to convert all these requests to New Landline / Braodband connections. As per the information from BSNL sources, sufficient amount of Cables has already allotted to all field units of Kerala Circle to provide New Landline/ Broadband connections.

To collect all the requests for new Landline / Broadband connections, BSNL Customer Service Centeres (CSCs) of Kerala Circle will be open on 31st May 2015 (Sunday) also. All BSNL CSC's are also adviced to accept the applications for New Landline / Broadband Connections without checking for technical feasibility.

All these initiatives are to retain the landline customers as the number of customers are dwindling. This will particularly attract youngsters as they mostly speak during night hours with packages offered by mobile service networks.

Existing BSNL Landline/ Broadband Customers may check whether your plan is eligible for Unlimited Free Night Calling Offer below:

Attention BSNL Customers: Check Whether Your Landline / Broadband Plan is Eligible for Unlimited Free Night Calling Scheme ?

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