BSNL services on paper only - My experience with BSNL

Dear Editor: I would like to share my experience with BSNL telecoms in my bid to get a a new telephone connection. It has now almost been a year since I had applied for a land line plus broadband connection.Repeated attempt to know why there was delay, was responded with a blunt statement that there was no cable,even though it doesn't require more resources  as my neighbors on all three sides have a BSNL connection.
The schemes of Govt of India such as Digital India and e-governance can be successful only if adequate infrastructure and constructive measures are taken by the concerned authorities.I would like to draw the attention of authorities to the point that theres is no use advertising new offers and schemes such as reduced call rates at night until sufficient resources and efficient service  are made available to the people. A vibrant and potent sector where the Public sector is so under-performing is due to lack of commitment form the employees of BSNL. Along with the initiatives to increase the customer base, BSNL should take effort to provide needed and responsible service and learn to manage the sector or else every scheme will be available only on paper.

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