All India Mobile Number Portability to be Launched Soon... as per DOT

Mobile Number Portability which is gaining momentum has got added fuel to it as Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has given an amendment to the instructions which it has issued for Intra Circle Mobile Number Portability.

This really a boon for BSNL as on date most of the subscribers from both rural and urban are availing Mobile Number Portability and are coming to BSNL. As the word Intra is going to be changed as Inter Circle Mobile Number Portability, there is going to be much added advantage to BSNL.BSNL in only Kerala more than 2 Lakh Subscribers have availed Intra circle (with in Kerala Circle) Mobile Number Portability. On par with other service providers, Incoming to BSNL is more than Outgoing from BSNL by customers who are availing MNP.

Inter Circle MNP is very useful to those who are relocating as most of our transactions are binded with our mobile numbers. If this context is allowed no need to bother about any transaction where ever you are going.

This is going to be boon for many customers. In this context BSNL is the major benefited service provider, as it is having the deepest and last mile connectivity when compared to the other service providers.  As BSNL Data Plans and Voice Plans are much more effective along with the service availability, BSNL scores more in this scenario.

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