Government-owned telco Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) recently rolled out a work from home data plan priced at Rs 251. It has also introduced faster speeds on broadband plans with increased post FUP speed limits. Last week BSNL launched a prepaid plan for for Rs 299 to keep up with private telcos.
BSNL Rs 251 work from home plan: The plan offers 70GB data at Rs 251 for a validity of 28 days. The work-from-home plan gives only data benefits to users with no SMS or calling benefits. Airtel, Jio, and Vi also offer data plans priced at Rs 251. The benefits being offered by private telcos at the same price are as such:
Airtel Rs 251 prepaid plan: Airtel has a Rs 251 prepaid 4G data plan that gives 50GB of data. The validity of this plan exists till the time of the current validity of the plan that the user is subscribed to. This plan is not visible in all circles. Users should also check on Airtel Thanks app, if they do not spot it on the telco's website.
Jio Rs 251 prepaid plan: Coming to Jio, the telco again offers 50GB data for a validity of 30 days with its Rs 251 prepaid plan.
Vi Rs 251 prepaid plan: Vodafone Idea or Vi also gives 50GB for 28 days and access to Vi movies and TV.
Looking at the plans one can conclude that BSNL is giving 20GB more data than the private telcos. However, it differs from private telcos when it comes to speed. BSNL has also announced that it will increase the speed on its broadband plans, and make them double. BSNL also has a Rs 151 Work from Home STV, which offers 40GB of data, and an STV at Rs 56 that gives 10GB additional data.
Airtel, BSNL, Jio and Vi also offer plans at Rs 249 that give data, calling and SMS benefits. The plans are as follows:
Airtel Rs 249 prepaid plan: The plan is available in all circles and gives 1.5GB data per day for a validity of 28 days. Additionally, the plan gives unlimited calling benefits with 100 SMS per day and The plan comes with a subscription to Airtel Xstream.
BSNL Rs 249 prepaid plan: For
Rs 249, BSNL gives 2G or 3G 300MB data per day. The calling benefits
with this plan for BSNL to BSNL are unlimited. When it comes to off-net
calls, the telco charges 1 paise per second and 5 paise per SMS. The
validity of this plan is 180 days.
Jio Rs 249 prepaid plan: Jio’s Rs 249 prepaid plan gives 2GB data per day with unlimited on-net calling and with a FUP limit of 1000 minutes for off-net calls. The plan brings 100 free SMS and a complimentary subscription to Jio apps.
Vi Rs 249 prepaid plan: This plan gives 1.5 GB data per day and is valid for 28 days. This plan also brings unlimited calling and 100 SMS per day. This plan comes with Vi’s rollover data benefit that lets users consume unused data unused on weekends. If users recharge from the Vi app, they get an additional 5GB of data with this plan. The plan gives access to Vi movies and TV.
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