Meeting with Sri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD, BSNL on 19.05.15

GS, CHQ President and GS/BSNLEU met CMD BSNL and held discussions. DIR(HR) was also present. During discussion CMD appealed to capitalise the recent free call facility offered to the landline customers. Large number of waiting list is generated at field units as a result of the offer. Special efforts may be taken to provide maximum connections and strategies has to be workedout at each SSA and Circle level with frequent interaction between SSA/Circle Heads and Forum leaders, CMD suggested.
We assured CMD that this will be discussed in the next Forum meeting on 25th and positive steps will be taken.
On actions against officers facing CBI charges like GMTD, Noida, we expressed anguish over the continuation of such officers in the sensitive posts when CBI filed RC and large scale reporting has made in the public media in which BSNL image is affected. To the surprise of all, even the matter is not reported by UP(W) Circle for months together and after that the matter is pending with CVO for almost one month. When such incidents are happened, lower lever employees are shifted within days but in the case of senior officers, no action is being taken, we informed CMD and DIR(HR).

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