BSNL Kerala Telecom Circle will be conducting 'E-Auction of CDMA RUIM Fancy / Vanity Mobile Numbers' from 04-05-2015 to 10-05-2015 through online portal -
Mobile Numbers having some specific sequence, often termed as - Vanity /
Fancy / Premium Numbers are available for this e-auction.Customers can participate in the bidding of selected premium numbers through web or through SMS (from BSNL GSM Mobile Number only). The registration and participation in the e-auction process is very simple and easy.
is intended to set a platform in order to make these Premium numbers
available for the customers who are more fascinated towards Fancy
As the demand is extremely high these numbers are pooled for auction so that every individual can make out a chance to grab the number of their choice by participating in Auction conducted on this website. As a whole this Website sets a transparent medium which opens a way to explore our valuable services to the public.
Who can participate in the e-auction ?
As the demand is extremely high these numbers are pooled for auction so that every individual can make out a chance to grab the number of their choice by participating in Auction conducted on this website. As a whole this Website sets a transparent medium which opens a way to explore our valuable services to the public.
List of CDMA RUIM Numbers for e-auction from 04-05-2015 to 10-05-2015

Who can participate in the e-auction ?
- BSNL intends to offer e-auction for the allotment of Vanity Numbers in the Corresponding Licensed Service Area (which includes corresponding Telecom Circle customers) to the eligible customers / companies / Similar firms.
- The vanity Number will be provided to the successful bidder. This vanity number will be in the Corresponding Licensed Service Area (which includes Corresponding Telecom circle) with all facilities as per the plan like SMS, Data, ISD, International roaming as per the published tariff of BSNL.
- The prospective customers / Companies / firms must be an Indian Registered Company / Citizen of India.
- Certificate of Incorporation with copy of articles and Memorandum of Association should also be submitted along with the bid for companies / firms.
- The prospective customers/companies/similar firms should submit latest acknowledged copy of Income Tax returns form.
- Individual customers should submit the address proof/Identity proof as per the guidelines of BSNL.
How to Register in the Online Portal ?
To register, customer has to access the site, portal registration is free.
The customer can select the number of his choice and proceed for
registration of the same by paying non-refundable fee of Rs. 150/
(Rupees One hundred fifty only) which will be charged as registration
Fee for each vanity number. The Registration fee will be deducted from
the talk balance of Pre-Paid customers and will be included in the next
bill of the postpaid customers.
How to Participate in the Premium / Fancy Number Auction ?
can participate in the bidding of selected premium numbers through web
or through SMS (from BSNL GSM Mobile Number only).
Participate in the PremiumNumber Auction Through SMS:
Send SMS REGVAN for normal Registration to 56666. Normal Registration will be charged @Rs.3/-.
know the VANITY numbers list, Send SMS : VLIST<SPACE><CIRCLE
to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
- (A) To know the highest bid available for your choice number, send SMS CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number to 56666. Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 to 56666. Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS.
- (B) To participate in bidding for a vanity / premium number send SMS CHOICE<SPACE><10 digit mobile number><SPACE>Y to 56666. Eg: CHOICE 9495111111 Y to 56666. (Rs.150/- will be charged for the above SMS. Now customer can participate in bidding for the above registered number.)
- (C) To bid for a Vanity number send SMS: CHOICE<SPACE>10 digit mobile number<SPACE>AMOUNT to 56666. Eg:- CHOICE 9495111111 22000 to 56666. (To bid for the mobile number 9495111111 at an amount Rs.22000/-) Rs.3/- will be charged for the above SMS
- Visit and register (Initial registration is free)
- Customer can register through “Login / Register” link - login with mobile number & e-mail id - Customer will get Password via SMS & e-mail after successful registration.
- Customer has to click “Login” by using received password and accept terms and conditions to proceed further.
- Note: Registration charge & incremental value are same as that for auction through SMS
- All payment should be done online.
- After paying the registration charges, customer can bid for that particular number available in “My Bid Status” menu.
First Highest bidder "H1" will receive a PIN in his mobile number with
which he can approach the nearest CSC. The customer has to pay the bid
amount and plan charges and can take the connection within 5 working
days of receipt of PIN.
- If the first highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of intimation, pin will be sent to second highest bidder(H2) and the number shall be offered to the H2 bidder at the same H1 price.
- If the Second highest bidder fails to deposit the bid amount within 5 working days of intimation, pin will be sent to third highest bidder(H3) and the number shall be offered to the H3 bidder at the same H1 price.
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